Sometimes "go big or go home" isn't the right sort of mentality when it comes to fulfilling one's goals and ambitions. Sometimes you have to think "slowly and steady wins the race," because building up your accomplishments bit by bit has benefits that often lead to momentous outcomes.

Although I have some immense goals on my 50x50 list, I understand that these types of ambitious achievements don't happen overnight, but rather develop over time and through accomplishing smaller goals that snowball into something epic. Although some of the "micro" feats below may seem unworthy of mentioning or tracking, I assure you they are not. If you're down, come up with your own list of micro to major feats you would like to tackle and see how they motivate you into continuing on a path of success and accomplishment! Here are the micro to major feats I have accomplished during my forties:
1. Published my book The 100 Greatest Movies Challenge (April 2020)
2. Beat my old Ms. Pac-Man score of 104,660 (now 117,460) (April 2020) (yup, this counts!)
3. Published my book Popular Girls: Moments of Triumph, Tragedy & Trailblazing In a Century of Women In Music (June 2020)
5. Completed the University of Alberta's 'Indigenous Canada' online course (September 2020)
6. Reached 1.5 million impressions/per month on Twitter (September 2020)
7. Made it to 20K daily steps for the first time since I started tracking (20,168 steps to be exact) (September 2020)
8. Published my book The 100 Greatest Horror Movies Challenge (September 2020)
9. Launched a petition for the legendary Oilers staff member Joey Moss (October 2020)
10. Despite my anxiety, I did interviews with Global, CTV, CBC, CityTV, 630 CHED, and the 'Edmonton Journal' (October 2020)
11. Reached 1 million views of my blog (January 2021)
12. Reached 23K Twitter followers (March 2022)
13. Organized and beautified my home (August 2020)
14. Created and maintained a travel journal (August 2020)
15. Runner-up in poll for "Best Twitter" in Edmonton by Yegventures (December 2020)
16. Made it to 450 consecutive days of learning Spanish on Duolingo (April 2022)
17. Implemented my "Project Planner" for optimal organization (February 2021)
18. Made it to 90 days of no alcohol (March 2021)
19. Made it to 30 days of intermittent fasting (March 2021)
20. Posted my first-ever YouTube video (March 2021)
21. Made it to 12 months of daily meditating (December 2021)
22. Made it to 18 months of daily journaling (July 2022)
23. Reached level 16 of Ms. Pac-Man (September 2021) (yup, this counts!)
24. Had a YouTube video reach 5K views (January 2022)
25. Did an interview with Transforming Edmonton, the official City of Edmonton blog (September 2021)
26. Published my book The Ultimate Edmonton Trivia Book (December 2021)
27. Appeared on Global News Edmonton, CBC Edmonton Radio, CFCW Radio, and in the Edmonton Journal and Alberta PrimeTimes for my #yeg trivia book. Also featured on NOW! Radio.
28. Made it into the Top 10 best-selling books in Canada on Amazon with The Ultimate Edmonton Trivia Book (December 2021)
29. Made it #1 in all 3 of my book's categories on Amazon Canada with The Ultimate Edmonton Trivia Book (December 2021)
30. Published my first (of 4) articles with Windspeaker, an Indigenous newspaper (January 2022)
31. Reached #1 on Edmonton's Non-Fiction Bestsellers List for multiple weeks with The Ultimate Edmonton Trivia Book (March 2022)
32. Produced by own card game, The Fame Name Game (May 2022)
33. Reached 1K in sales of The Ultimate Edmonton Trivia Book (July 2022)
34. Have had my books in 12 different local stores/shops (2020-22)
35. Published my book The Ultimate Canadian Trivia Book (May 2022)
36. Reached 1K followers on Instagram (June 2022)
37. Paid off my credit card debt (June 2022)
38. Published my book The Ultimate Movie Trivia Book (July 2022)
39. Published my book The Ultimate Alberta Bucket List: 100 Adventures to Truly Experience Alberta (October 2022)
40. Reached #1 in my book's category on Amazon Canada with The Ultimate Alberta Bucket List (October 2022)
41. Appeared in the Global News studios for a live TV interview (December 2022)
42. Made the Top 40 of Amazon Canada's Bestsellers List with The Ultimate Alberta Bucket List (January 2023)
43. Alberta Bucket List Adventure #86: Participate in a Winter Sport/Activity (January 2023)
44. Published my book IKIGAI: The Adventure Journal for the World Traveller (January 2023)
45. Alberta Bucket List Adventure #84: Make Your Own Bannock (January 2023)
46. Alberta Bucket List Adventure #81: Selfies with the Giant Sausage & Perogy (February 2023)